Low Back Pain or LBP in short is a pain that occurs in the lower back of the human body and involves muscles and bones of the back. It’s so common and affecting high numbers of people. The duration of Low Back Pain is classified into two categories, Acute and Chronic. The duration of the Acute Low Back Pain is less than 6 weeks and more than 12 weeks of Chronic Low Back Pain.
There can be several causes of Low Back Pain in which some are obesity, smoking, poor sleeping position, physical distress, repetitive work practices, sitting for a long time and avoiding exercises. These causes low back pain and transform a happy person into sad. The pain gets cruel if immediate action is not taken to treat it.
The sign and symptoms of Low Back Pain are feeling pain in the lower back in the bones and muscles while waking up in the morning, lifting items, walking, standing and doing some physical work. The Low Back Pain generates various problems such as short sleep, the problem in sleeping, doing several activities and it also gives birth to depression and anxiety.
Large numbers of people are feeling frustrated from this low back pain and some of them are fed up from 0% improvement after doing so many efforts. Well, to treat Low Back Pain is not that much complicated as people think, it’s a common thing which can happen to anyone and it can be cure through some simple ways.
Treatment for Low Back Pain
So, here are some valuable and effective treatments given below to cure low back pain:
Soft Tissue Massage
Soft Tissue Massage is a technique of massage in which physical action is given on the muscle and other soft tissues of the body. Soft Tissue Massage deals with ligaments, tendons, fascia and muscles. A deep pressure helps to treat the low back pain, aches also help to increase circulation of blood and boosts up the immune system.
Joint Mobilization
Joint Mobilization is one of an effective technique to treat low back pain. In this technique, a physiotherapist helps to treat the joints and to give relief from joint pain and stiffness. With the help of Joint Mobilization, Joint can able to perform well and to move easily without a pain, it’s a great technique through which a person get relief from the misery.
Postural Correction
One of the common reasons behind Low Back Pain is adopting an incorrect way of standing, walking and sitting which results in low back pain due to the strain in ligaments and muscles. But Postural Correction Exercise helps to instruct a correct way of standing, walking and sitting to the people to avoid low back pain.
Tailored Exercise Program
Tailored Exercise Program is a wonderful way to treat low back pain effectively. A trainer helps you to do the exercise by moving your tummy, legs and back to make it flexible. This helps to cure low back pain which was caused due to strain and gives a wonderful feeling to a person.
Dry Needling
Dry Needling is a technique to insert an acupuncture needle on the tender point of a person where there is a pain or injury. It helps to put pressure on the tender point to cure the pain. Of course, it hurts but it gives a great relief to a person from the pain in the lower back.
Taping is an effective practice to treat lower back pain and sciatica. In this process, the tape is applied to the skin with an aim to put bones and muscles in a stable position. This helps to treat and cure the low back pain and to give relief to a person from pain and injury. It's greatly used by athletes while exercising and practicing.
Low Back Pain is so common among the people. Many people are suffering from low back pain and are fed up with it.
If you’re one of them, then you can avail the best low back pain exercises offering by Excel Physiotherapy And Wellness which is based in Mascot, Australia, providing low back pain treatments (excelphysio.com.au/services/low-back-pain-sciatica/) in Mascot, Botany, Alexandria, Beaconsfield, Tempe and Rosebery areas.
We believe treatment of low back pain is not so complicated. With the help of several low back pain exercises, it can easily be treated and helps a person to go back to his/her schedule.