Thursday, January 7, 2016

Sports Massage – A Great Alternative to Avoid Injuries and Aches

Due to fast pace life and busy schedule, we don't have much time to take care of our fitness and because of this most of us have to suffer from body aches and health issues at later stages. It becomes quite essential to do daily workouts or exercises to keep our body fit. Massage is also a kind of workout, which is used to reduce the tension and pressure of the body. 

There are several types of massage therapies and a lot of ways are used to perform it, but mainly it is performed with the help of forearms, legs, elbows and fingers. The pressure applied through massage therapy helps in reducing the negative energy, thus providing relief from the pain. Sports massage is one of the most popular form of this, which is mainly used for sports players or athletes to provide them relief from pain and injury.

Sports massage is gaining popularity these days and most of the athletes prefer to have sports massage to get rid of sports related pain and injuries. Over-extension and lesions occurred in tissues due to sports activities can lessen the performance of an athlete. Sports massage not only provides pain relief, but also it helps prevent damage to the muscle and connective tissues. Anyone who regularly participates in sports or physical activities should take sports massage to get better tone, symmetry, and posture of the body. It is not just a treatment for injuries, it also provides several health benefits for athletes.

Prevents Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

DOMS is kind of pain or stiffness, which is felt in muscles after several hours of performing strenuous exercises or sports activities. It is felt 24 to 72 hours after performing the exercise. If the exercise is repeated within 24 to 72 hours, the pain can further increase and cause tissue damages.  Sports massage is one of the finest cures for DOMS Which encourages proper blood flow throughout the body, preventing muscle fatigue.

Stress and Pain Relief

Sports massage helps reducing stress and pain caused by sports activities. It helps releasing endorphin form brain which itself acts as the body's natural pain reliever, thus reducing anxiety, stress and aches of the body.

Improves Blood Circulation

When a person gets sports massage, the circulation of blood increases automatically as the blood vessels stretch to allow more blood to pass through the body. Due to this increased blood circulation, the damaged muscles and tissues tend to heal rapidity. It also helps reducing swelling caused by sports activities.

Today, there are many spas which provide sports massage for athletes to improve nervous system and body performance. If you or any of your family member is suffering from any kind of sports injury or ache, a sports massage can definitely help reducing pain and providing a positive body image.

Now, you can take advantage of sports massage services in locations Mascot, Botany, Alexandria, Beaconsfield, Tempe and Rosebery. Just call Excelphysio on 1300 650 510.

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